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Life Coaching Process

Crisis/Goal Identification

When I think of life coaching, I think of the word "parakaleo". I have read that it is one of the oldest and richest words in the Greek language. Para means "alongside" and kaleo means "to call". When you put these two word parts together you have a compound word that means "to call alongside". In life coaching, I am called alongside you to encourage, help, console, and comfort you during your time of crisis. To begin that process, I will offer you all the time you need to tell your story. It was Socrates that said "the unexamined life is not worth living", so...we examine. 


During this first part of the process, we discuss the crisis (problem). You are given a nonjudgmental and safe setting to explain and explore the different aspects of your problem. Once the problem has been identified, we move into identifying your goal...your goal should lead you to a place of peace and comfort. I help you go from point A to point B: crisis to comfort.


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